Monday, June 23, 2014

The Earth Element

The Earth Element
The energy of the Earth element, and the traits of Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

While each of the four elements is integral to life and survival, Earth is most connected to the physicality of life. Earth isn't aggressive, it's receptive. And that's is key to understanding its potency. There is a quality of strength and endurance Earth possesses that is an indomitable force. At the same time, however, there is a certain amount of peacefulness connected to the Earth element. Sure, Earth can be passive ... but by no means is Earth weak!

Without Earth, we would have nothing to hold us up. No foundation. No support. Earth is attuned to form and matter. These assets help to explain why the Earth signs are the most practical and durable of the zodiac. And you can see how much Earth energy you have in your chart with an Essential Birth Report.

What also helps Earth succeed wildly in our corporeal environment is the fact that the element of Earth is intricately connected with the physical senses. This allows Earth an intuitive grasp as to how the material world works -- an almost natural understanding. Earth has the ability to use this instinct to ensure physical security is maintained, while also achieving a thorough enjoyment and appreciation of everything the physical world has to offer.

Solid traits

Because of these propensities, Earth is the element of patience, stability, commitment, discipline, permanence and strength. Nothing can grow without these qualities and the end result with Earth is typically prosperity. Earth may be slow and methodical, but it is also ultimately successful.

Earth's tendencies towards being so practical can have its drawbacks. Imagination may be lacking in Earth since the focus is mostly on what can be proven to exist by virtue of what one sees, tastes, touches, feels or hears. An inability to deal with what cannot be explained in our physical universe can limit Earth's potency and lead to a rigid, narrow minded, materialistic view of life and our world.

Still, if Earth can open itself up to that which it cannot sink its teeth into then, its potential to achieve prosperity will enhance tenfold.

Broken down by sign...

While all of the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will share these qualities of the Earth element, each will express them in a unique manner.

Taurus will convey a deep attunement and appreciation of the physical senses and will often successfully take command of preserving physical security.

Virgo will masterfully volunteer to be of service to others, displaying a humble, flexible demeanor while expertly executing any task they commit to.

Capricorn will climb the most unbearable mountain with perseverance and ambitious determination in order to achieve any goal they set for themselves.

Don't forget to see the elements that influence you with an Essential Birth Report »

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Previous: Weekly Astrology: June 1-7, 2014

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